The Church Excels When... - Verses 46 & 47
Church was cancelled on February 9th, 2025 due to the large ice storm in the area.

November 3, 2024
November 3, 2024

Spiritual Emergency Line 111 (continued)
October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024

Four Mountains
October 20, 2024
October 20, 2024

Am I Worthy
October 13, 2024
October 13, 2024

Ark Of New Beginnings
October 6, 2024
October 6, 2024

Does History Repeat Itself
September 29, 2024
September 29, 2024

What's Your Burning Bush?
September 15, 2024
September 15, 2024

The Tabernacle
September 8, 2024
September 8, 2024

Dare To Stand Alone
September 1, 2024
September 1, 2024

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Spiritual Emergency Line 111 (continued)
August 18, 2024
August 18, 2024

Baptism Sunday
August 11, 2024
Click the button below to watch the service and/or music video!
August 11, 2024
Click the button below to watch the service and/or music video!

Spiritual Emergency Line 111
August 4, 2024
August 4, 2024

Consider Carefully How You Listen
July 28, 2024
July 28, 2024

Walk Worthy
July 21, 2024
July 21, 2024
This Means War
Imitate God
Do This Not That
Important Announcement From Pastor Dave
February 4, 2024
My Percentage Matters
My Perspective Matters
Ponder & Proclaim
Travels & Trials
Ages & Empires
You Have Been Called
Infinitely More
The Love of God
The Least Deserving
"But Now..."
Rich In Mercy
I Am The Potter
I Pray For You Constantly
Every Spiritual Blessing
"This letter is from Paul..."
Restoring Marriage-Oneness
Today Matters
Yes They ARE Coming For Your Children
Different by Design
One Race
Our Guide
The Hurt and The Healing
"Now What?"
Don't You Tell Me He Can't Do It!
Pursuing Breakthrough
Light of the World
Absolute Rebellion

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Still Waiting...
What Are We Waiting For?

Resting In God's Answers
August 8, 2021
Trusting God can be very difficult, and we are often tempted to take matters into our own hands. Today Josh reminds us that believing in God's power leads us to trust Him - and trusting Him leads us to true rest.
August 8, 2021
Trusting God can be very difficult, and we are often tempted to take matters into our own hands. Today Josh reminds us that believing in God's power leads us to trust Him - and trusting Him leads us to true rest.
Our Eyes Are On You
Our Eyes Are On You
If My People...
Still More...
Hoax or History?
Every. Single. Day

February 21, 2021
Jesus invites us to encounter Him daily, in a life-changing way. There are some things that get in the way of this, however. Identifying these obstacles and taking steps to regain control over them is absolutely essential. Today we talk about some practical ways to do this.
February 21, 2021
Jesus invites us to encounter Him daily, in a life-changing way. There are some things that get in the way of this, however. Identifying these obstacles and taking steps to regain control over them is absolutely essential. Today we talk about some practical ways to do this.
Get Out
February 14, 2021 Throughout the Scriptures we are told that God's glory is on full display throughout His creation. We miss out on so much because we spend 93% of our lives inside. Today's message is a simple reminder to spend some time outside - and as you do, notice how God's creation reveals and reminds of His presence and power. This week's message is video rather than audio. |
Frantic and Overwhelmed
Well, that didn't go as planned!
Waiting For Christmas
December 6, 2020 As children we all learned how hard it is to wait for Christmas to finally arrive. Those who waited for that first Christmas didn’t wait for days or weeks like we do - they waited for decades... centuries. Today we talk about an older couple who trusted God and believed His promise even when it was hard. Their story is a reminder to us that even when God is silent, He is not absent. |
November 22, 2020 Today as we conclude this series, we focus on our calling. God has placed a passion in your heart to accomplish something that matters - something that has eternal value. This calling is opposed by our enemy, but we can stand strong if we use what God has given us. This message is a challenge to all who have lost sight of their calling to reclaim God’s mission and return to the field of battle. |

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October 25, 2020
When we go through trials and tragedies we turn to God for help and we often listen - God has something to say to us when we are in pain. The problem is, so does our adversary - he whispers lies to us that make sense to us when we are wounded or when we are disappointed with God. Today we talk about how easy it is for us to make agreements with the father of lies, and how to find victory and healing when this happens.
October 25, 2020
When we go through trials and tragedies we turn to God for help and we often listen - God has something to say to us when we are in pain. The problem is, so does our adversary - he whispers lies to us that make sense to us when we are wounded or when we are disappointed with God. Today we talk about how easy it is for us to make agreements with the father of lies, and how to find victory and healing when this happens.
Kingdom Come
October 18, 2020 For centuries people have asked the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Today we dig into this a bit, then we talk again about standing firm when the enemy attacks. Last week we said in order to stand firm we need to know who we are - we need to know Whose we are - and we need to know what we’ve been given. Ephesians 6 reminds us God has given us armor and He has given us weapons - today we focus on prayer as a weapon and we look at Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew 6. |

Barley Harvest
October 4, 2020
We all go through times in life when God seems absent or uninvolved. Today Kaylee reminds us that even in the darkest moments in our lives God is working behind the scenes - this awareness can help us overcome anxiety and fear.
October 4, 2020
We all go through times in life when God seems absent or uninvolved. Today Kaylee reminds us that even in the darkest moments in our lives God is working behind the scenes - this awareness can help us overcome anxiety and fear.
Talk To Me
September 20, 2020 This week we met outside on a beautiful, cloudless Sunday. We talked about viewing prayer differently - instead of looking at it as a demand, let’s see it as an amazing invitation. We encouraged everyone to begin and end each day by having a brief conversation with this amazing Father who knows us completely and loves us deeply. |
September 6, 2020 Communion is often overlooked as something we do from time to time because we are "supposed to". This remembrance, however, holds deep meaning and can be a time of spiritual renewal for us. Today we slow down and walk through Communion together, focusing on what Jesus did for us on the Cross. |
Baptism & Dedication - Music Video
August 30, 2020 |
Baptism & Dedication - Full Video
August 30, 2020 |
Coming Soon...
August 23, 2020 Jesus said "The Father is always working and so am I" (John 5:17). No matter what else is going on around us, God is accomplishing His purposes. Today we talk about our role in that, looking into some of the new things coming to The Encounter Church in the near and distant future. |
Accepting the Unacceptable - DO Something
July 26, 2020 Today as we conclude this series, we talk about those times when the best response to the unacceptable is not to accept it, but to do something to change it. We’ll look at a story from the life of David and learn some important steps we should take when we are faced with the unacceptable. |
Accepting The Unacceptable - Three Men on Fire For God
June 28, 2020 Today we continue the story of three men who up for God and faced an enraged king and the threat of a horrible death because of it. Their example reminds us of God"s faithfulness in the middle of our trials and how He uses those trials to free us and deepen us spiritually. |
Accepting The Unacceptable - Even If...
June 14, 2020 Sometimes we are forced to face the unacceptable because we did the right thing - because we stood up for truth. Today we look at a story of three men who faced a horrible death because they obeyed God. Their example, and the examples of countless others, pave the way for us when we are opposed for doing the right thing. |
Accepting The Unacceptable - This is Unacceptable
June 7, 2020 As we talk about the unacceptable, the truth is we are surrounded by it right now. With heightened political division, a global pandemic and lockdown orders, racial tensions and riots in the streets - the world feels like it's out of control. How can we, as followers of Christ, respond? Today we talk about two things we must be doing consistently in these unacceptable times. |
Accepting The Unacceptable - Paul
May 24, 2020 Today we talk about Paul, a man who said he learned to be content in any situation (see Philippians 4:11). Paul endured some horrific situations - how was he able to learn contentment in the middle of persecution and tragedy? Paul's encouraging words in 2 Corinthians 4 can help restore hope to us when we are faced with the unacceptable. |
Accepting The Unacceptable - Radical Acceptance
May 16-17, 2020 When we are confronted with the unacceptable, our response and the response of those around us, can make the situation much better or far worse. Today we talk about what acceptance really means, and we talk about helpful versus unhelpful responses when a friend is going through difficult times. |
Accepting The Unacceptable - Job
May 10, 2020 We all have to deal with things that are unacceptable - things that should hot have happened. Whether it’s everyday frustrations or life-shattering tragedy, we all face pains and problems we cannot fix. So how do we navigate through that? Today we begin a new series called “Accepting the Unacceptable”. |
One Another - (Drive-In Church)
May 3, 2020 Today as we close out this series we talk about the New Testament command to “serve one another”. We’ll look at what that means, and see an example from the life of Jesus. |
Resurrection Sunday
April 12, 2020 This is the full video of our drive-in Worship Service on Resurrection Sunday, in partnership with Ludwig United Methodist Church in Bainbridge and Falmouth. |
Amazing Love
April 10, 2020 On Good Friday we pause to remember Christ's sacrifice and His love for us. This brief message includes a DIY Communion service. |
The Pursuit of Wisdom - Chocolate Bunnies
March 8, 2020 All of us hope to have a meaningful and fulfilling life. Solomon shows us that most of what we have been pursuing, does not work -- while it's enjoyable for a time, it always leaves us empty. Today we close out our series on The Pursuit of Wisdom, by looking at Solomon's discovery of what makes life truly fulfilling. |
The Pursuit of Wisdom - Comeback
March 1, 2020 Later in life Solomon looks back on his life and experiences, concluding he's spent much of his life chasing after the wrong things. Solomon's honest examination of his life in the book of Ecclesiastes give us an important warning as we determine who or what we are living for. |

Seek & Save
February 23, 2020
Jesus came on a very specific mission - and He was often opposed for it. Our mission is to partner with Him in His mission. Today we talk about why we are here, followed by a Family Discussion about some of our progress and challenges as a church.
February 23, 2020
Jesus came on a very specific mission - and He was often opposed for it. Our mission is to partner with Him in His mission. Today we talk about why we are here, followed by a Family Discussion about some of our progress and challenges as a church.

The Pursuit of Wisdom - Born for Adversity
February 2, 2020
God created us for community. Despite the number of communication devices we have, we live in an age where it's easy to isolate ourselves from others. Today we talk about the importance of developing and deepening friendships as Solomon shows us what makes a good friend.
February 2, 2020
God created us for community. Despite the number of communication devices we have, we live in an age where it's easy to isolate ourselves from others. Today we talk about the importance of developing and deepening friendships as Solomon shows us what makes a good friend.

The Pursuit of Wisdom - Meeting Place
January 26, 2020
God gave Solomon an amazing opportunity: "Ask anything," God said, "and I will give it to you". Solomon asked for wisdom so he could fulfill God's calling on his life, and God blessed in with wisdom. But there is a story behind that story we need to look at. Today we talk about the importance of pursuing the presence of God in our everyday lives.
January 26, 2020
God gave Solomon an amazing opportunity: "Ask anything," God said, "and I will give it to you". Solomon asked for wisdom so he could fulfill God's calling on his life, and God blessed in with wisdom. But there is a story behind that story we need to look at. Today we talk about the importance of pursuing the presence of God in our everyday lives.

The Pursuit of Wisdom - Wi$dom
January 19, 2020
Most of us deal with stress related to our finances occasionally, if not frequently. Solomon was blessed by God with wisdom and wealth - an incredible combination! Thankfully he shares some of the lessons he learned with us in the book of Proverbs. Today we look at three principles of financial wisdom.
January 19, 2020
Most of us deal with stress related to our finances occasionally, if not frequently. Solomon was blessed by God with wisdom and wealth - an incredible combination! Thankfully he shares some of the lessons he learned with us in the book of Proverbs. Today we look at three principles of financial wisdom.

The Pursuit of Wisdom - Influence
January 12, 2020
Proverbs is filled with great advice - because Solomon wanted to influence his readers towards godliness and wisdom. While this book is meant to influence us in a positive direction Solomon also warns us there are those who will influence us in the wrong direction if we let them. Today we talk about an important concept called, The Direction of Influence.
January 12, 2020
Proverbs is filled with great advice - because Solomon wanted to influence his readers towards godliness and wisdom. While this book is meant to influence us in a positive direction Solomon also warns us there are those who will influence us in the wrong direction if we let them. Today we talk about an important concept called, The Direction of Influence.

The Pursuit of Wisdom - Wisdom Calls Out
January 5, 2020
Today we begin a new series on the Book of Proverbs. Solomon teaches us that wisdom is available to everyone, but far too many refuse to listen. Something is required of us if we are going to benefit from Solomon's instructions.
January 5, 2020
Today we begin a new series on the Book of Proverbs. Solomon teaches us that wisdom is available to everyone, but far too many refuse to listen. Something is required of us if we are going to benefit from Solomon's instructions.

God With Us - Fortress
December 29, 2019
Before he was a king, David was a fugitive - a man on the run, hunted down by an angry and jealous king. When he was in fear for his life, David learned that God was his fortress - the One we can run to when we desperately need help and strength.
December 29, 2019
Before he was a king, David was a fugitive - a man on the run, hunted down by an angry and jealous king. When he was in fear for his life, David learned that God was his fortress - the One we can run to when we desperately need help and strength.

God With Us - Always
December 24, 2019
On Christmas Eve we celebrate God coming to earth to save us. James 1:17 reminds us that everyday events can also remind us that He is still God With Us.
December 24, 2019
On Christmas Eve we celebrate God coming to earth to save us. James 1:17 reminds us that everyday events can also remind us that He is still God With Us.

God With Us - In the Storms
December 15, 2019
Storms are those times when life feels completely out of control. Today we look at a group of men who are caught in a massive storm at sea and how God reassures them of His presence and power even in the middle of the storm.
December 15, 2019
Storms are those times when life feels completely out of control. Today we look at a group of men who are caught in a massive storm at sea and how God reassures them of His presence and power even in the middle of the storm.

God With Us - In the Wilderness
December 8, 2019
The wilderness typically lasts longer than the valley. At least in the valley there is a direction, but in the wilderness we quickly become disoriented and confused. Adding to the difficulty, our time in the wilderness often comes immediately after a mountaintop experience. Today we talk about how God reminds us of His presence during these times of despair.
December 8, 2019
The wilderness typically lasts longer than the valley. At least in the valley there is a direction, but in the wilderness we quickly become disoriented and confused. Adding to the difficulty, our time in the wilderness often comes immediately after a mountaintop experience. Today we talk about how God reminds us of His presence during these times of despair.

God With Us - In the Valleys
December 1, 2019
Valleys are those problems in life that feel overwhelming. They seem to surround us and make us feel like there's no way of escape. Today we talk about God's presence with us in the difficult times and how even in the valleys we can experience joy and a sense of purpose.
December 1, 2019
Valleys are those problems in life that feel overwhelming. They seem to surround us and make us feel like there's no way of escape. Today we talk about God's presence with us in the difficult times and how even in the valleys we can experience joy and a sense of purpose.

Walking Where Jesus Walked - Kaylee Hunter
November 24, 2019
Today Kaylee shares some of her experiences during her recent trip to Israel.
November 24, 2019
Today Kaylee shares some of her experiences during her recent trip to Israel.
Year in Review Video

We Keep On... (6 Year Anniversary)
November 17, 2019
Today as we celebrate 6 years we reflect back on answers to prayer we've seen in the past year and talk about how prayer must be our primary focus moving forward.
November 17, 2019
Today as we celebrate 6 years we reflect back on answers to prayer we've seen in the past year and talk about how prayer must be our primary focus moving forward.

Encounters - by Garry Krentz
November 10, 2019
Today Garry shares some of his encounters with God and how faith in God's goodness and power can guide our steps.
November 10, 2019
Today Garry shares some of his encounters with God and how faith in God's goodness and power can guide our steps.

Men & Women - Re
November 3, 2019
Every year almost 4,000 churches close their doors for the last time. Why do churches die? Usually it's not because of a major crisis - most churches die because of a loss of purpose and intentionality. In the same way most marriages that come to an end die not because of a huge argument or infidelity - most marriages die because of neglect. Today we talk about practical ways to keep your marriage healthy and meaningful.
November 3, 2019
Every year almost 4,000 churches close their doors for the last time. Why do churches die? Usually it's not because of a major crisis - most churches die because of a loss of purpose and intentionality. In the same way most marriages that come to an end die not because of a huge argument or infidelity - most marriages die because of neglect. Today we talk about practical ways to keep your marriage healthy and meaningful.

Men & Women - Let's Talk About Sex...
October 27, 2019
Historically the church has avoided talking about sex. Others are not so silent. The media, advertisers, and our schools have a lot to say and most of it comes from an unbiblical perspective. God created sex and has a lot to say about it. Today we look at a brief overview of what the Bible says about sexual intimacy.
October 27, 2019
Historically the church has avoided talking about sex. Others are not so silent. The media, advertisers, and our schools have a lot to say and most of it comes from an unbiblical perspective. God created sex and has a lot to say about it. Today we look at a brief overview of what the Bible says about sexual intimacy.

1 Chronicles 16
October 13, 2019
Today we spent some time focusing on God's goodness and praying together for needs people are facing. The audio is of some introductory and closing comments focusing on 1 Chronicles 16.
October 13, 2019
Today we spent some time focusing on God's goodness and praying together for needs people are facing. The audio is of some introductory and closing comments focusing on 1 Chronicles 16.

Men & Women - The Enemy
October 6, 2019
If you received a warning that an inmate escaped and was planning to break into your home and harm your family, you would do whatever it takes to prepare and defend your loved ones. The Bible gives us several warnings that we have an enemy who is looking for vulnerabilities where he can attack us, and that includes our marriage. Today we talk about the simple truth that your marriage is under attack. And your spouse is not the enemy.
October 6, 2019
If you received a warning that an inmate escaped and was planning to break into your home and harm your family, you would do whatever it takes to prepare and defend your loved ones. The Bible gives us several warnings that we have an enemy who is looking for vulnerabilities where he can attack us, and that includes our marriage. Today we talk about the simple truth that your marriage is under attack. And your spouse is not the enemy.

Men & Women - Take the First Step
September 29, 2019
In Genesis three a new character enters the story. An intruder who tempts Eve to disobey God. Together she and Adam listen to the voice of evil and rebel against the God who loved them. Shame and death enter the picture and not only is their relationship with God severed, their relationship with each other suffers badly. Today we talk about one necessary ingredient for healing the damage our relationships often sustain.
September 29, 2019
In Genesis three a new character enters the story. An intruder who tempts Eve to disobey God. Together she and Adam listen to the voice of evil and rebel against the God who loved them. Shame and death enter the picture and not only is their relationship with God severed, their relationship with each other suffers badly. Today we talk about one necessary ingredient for healing the damage our relationships often sustain.

The Next Page
(Community Worship Service - September 22, 2019)
When we go through tragedy and trials it's easy to lose hope. Today we look at the story of a grieving family, where Jesus reminds us hope is available even in the middle of dark and painful times.
As an added bonus we included Bailey Snyder's closing song, "Amazing Grace (my chains are gone)"
(Community Worship Service - September 22, 2019)
When we go through tragedy and trials it's easy to lose hope. Today we look at the story of a grieving family, where Jesus reminds us hope is available even in the middle of dark and painful times.
As an added bonus we included Bailey Snyder's closing song, "Amazing Grace (my chains are gone)"

Men & Women - Different by Design
September 15, 2019
God created us, not as generic "humans", but specifically as male or female. The fact that men and women are different can lead to conflict and misunderstanding - and this can actually be a good thing. Today we talk about how God can use those difficulties to bring growth and healing into our lives.
September 15, 2019
God created us, not as generic "humans", but specifically as male or female. The fact that men and women are different can lead to conflict and misunderstanding - and this can actually be a good thing. Today we talk about how God can use those difficulties to bring growth and healing into our lives.

Men & Women - At Last!
September 8, 2019
Today we begin a new series on men & women. We start by focusing on this truth: God knows your needs and your desires - and they matter to Him. When God saw Adam's loneliness He did not rest until He created the perfect companion for him. Genesis 2 sets the foundation for our understanding of God as a Loving Father, and our understanding of the value of marriage.
September 8, 2019
Today we begin a new series on men & women. We start by focusing on this truth: God knows your needs and your desires - and they matter to Him. When God saw Adam's loneliness He did not rest until He created the perfect companion for him. Genesis 2 sets the foundation for our understanding of God as a Loving Father, and our understanding of the value of marriage.

Next Steps - "I Am There"
September 1, 2019
God calls us to growth and that means taking the next step forward from where we are now. Today we wrap up this series, talking about worship. Worship is all about focus - where are we focusing our attention? Jesus promises when we make Him the center of our attention, He will meet with us.
September 1, 2019
God calls us to growth and that means taking the next step forward from where we are now. Today we wrap up this series, talking about worship. Worship is all about focus - where are we focusing our attention? Jesus promises when we make Him the center of our attention, He will meet with us.

Don't Give Up
August 25, 2019
When we pray and don't see answers it can be discouraging. Jesus told a couple stories to encourage His followers to keep praying even when it seems like nothing is happening. Today is a reminder to keep trusting God in the face of disappointment and keep praying until something happens.
August 25, 2019
When we pray and don't see answers it can be discouraging. Jesus told a couple stories to encourage His followers to keep praying even when it seems like nothing is happening. Today is a reminder to keep trusting God in the face of disappointment and keep praying until something happens.

Next Steps - Don't Go It Alone
August 18, 2019
The Christian life can only be lived in the context of community. Today we look at a few verses from Acts 4 and talk about the necessity of walking through life arm in arm with other believers.
August 18, 2019
The Christian life can only be lived in the context of community. Today we look at a few verses from Acts 4 and talk about the necessity of walking through life arm in arm with other believers.

Next Steps - The Most Important Step
August 4, 2019
Today we talk about God's amazing gift and the price He paid to offer us salvation. The most important step anyone can take is reaching out by faith and receiving His gift of salvation.
August 4, 2019
Today we talk about God's amazing gift and the price He paid to offer us salvation. The most important step anyone can take is reaching out by faith and receiving His gift of salvation.

Next Steps - Busyness
July 28, 2019
We often describe our lives with words like "hectic, frantic, overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out"... Jesus had a lot of demands placed on His time and was constantly followed by crowds of people. On top of this He had a massive job to accomplish - saving mankind - yet His life is never described as hectic, frantic, stressed out, or overwhelmed. Why? Today we talk about how Jesus handled busyness and the invitation He gives us.
July 28, 2019
We often describe our lives with words like "hectic, frantic, overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out"... Jesus had a lot of demands placed on His time and was constantly followed by crowds of people. On top of this He had a massive job to accomplish - saving mankind - yet His life is never described as hectic, frantic, stressed out, or overwhelmed. Why? Today we talk about how Jesus handled busyness and the invitation He gives us.

Next Steps - Apathy
July 21, 2019
There are two enemies we face that can prevent us from taking the next steps God has called us to. Today we talk about the first enemy - apathy - and how to overcome it.
July 21, 2019
There are two enemies we face that can prevent us from taking the next steps God has called us to. Today we talk about the first enemy - apathy - and how to overcome it.

Next Steps - Do Something
July 14, 2019
Today we talk about some practical ideas for taking next steps spiritually. We also talk about next steps we have taken as a church and what our next step will be in the coming year.
July 14, 2019
Today we talk about some practical ideas for taking next steps spiritually. We also talk about next steps we have taken as a church and what our next step will be in the coming year.

Next Steps - What Kind of Church Do You Want to Be?
July 7, 2019
Everyone who attends church has expectations of what that church should be and do. But the health and impact of the church is determined by our health and commitment as individuals.
We close the service today with several people sharing answers to prayer.
July 7, 2019
Everyone who attends church has expectations of what that church should be and do. But the health and impact of the church is determined by our health and commitment as individuals.
We close the service today with several people sharing answers to prayer.

James - Our Healer
June 30, 2019
Today we wrap up our series in the Book of James. James has reminded us that our faith in Christ should define every part of our lives, not only those we consider "spiritual". In chapter 5 he reminds us that our faith should also determine our response to sickness.
June 30, 2019
Today we wrap up our series in the Book of James. James has reminded us that our faith in Christ should define every part of our lives, not only those we consider "spiritual". In chapter 5 he reminds us that our faith should also determine our response to sickness.

When God is Silent
June 16, 2019
A few weeks ago we talked about God answering prayer immediately and powerfully. But what about those times when that doesn't happen? How do we respond when it looks like God has abandoned us?
June 16, 2019
A few weeks ago we talked about God answering prayer immediately and powerfully. But what about those times when that doesn't happen? How do we respond when it looks like God has abandoned us?

Power From On High
June 9, 2019
Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday - the day the Holy Spirit came in power and forever transformed the lives of 120 Christ-followers.
June 9, 2019
Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday - the day the Holy Spirit came in power and forever transformed the lives of 120 Christ-followers.

James - Turn Around!
May 26, 2019
In the last two verses of this book, James gives a warning and a word of encouragement. Today we talk about the importance of having those difficult conversations with a person who has wandered away from the faith.
May 26, 2019
In the last two verses of this book, James gives a warning and a word of encouragement. Today we talk about the importance of having those difficult conversations with a person who has wandered away from the faith.

James - Just Like Us
May 19, 2019
Elijah had a significant prayer life - praying down fire from Heaven, starting and stopping rain through his prayers, and turning an entire nation to repentance. What was it about his prayer life that made such an impact?
May 19, 2019
Elijah had a significant prayer life - praying down fire from Heaven, starting and stopping rain through his prayers, and turning an entire nation to repentance. What was it about his prayer life that made such an impact?

James - Do the Word
May 12, 2019
The Bible is a Book filled with promises - it can literally transform our lives, give us wisdom, hope, renewal, purpose, and direction. But far too many people never experience these promises because they don't take the time to listen for God's voice. Today we talk about how to get the most out of this amazing Book.
May 12, 2019
The Bible is a Book filled with promises - it can literally transform our lives, give us wisdom, hope, renewal, purpose, and direction. But far too many people never experience these promises because they don't take the time to listen for God's voice. Today we talk about how to get the most out of this amazing Book.

James - Watch Your Mouth
May 5, 2019
Experts say most of us will spend about 20% of our time on this earth speaking. Our words play a huge role in our lives and the lives of those we interact with. Today we talk about the fact that our words can reveal something important to us and we are reminded that God's words about us can change our lives.
May 5, 2019
Experts say most of us will spend about 20% of our time on this earth speaking. Our words play a huge role in our lives and the lives of those we interact with. Today we talk about the fact that our words can reveal something important to us and we are reminded that God's words about us can change our lives.

James - Encountering His Presence
April 28, 2019
James reminds us of the importance of acknowledging the presence of God with us in the middle of everyday life. Today we talk about the power of knowing that He lives in us.
April 28, 2019
James reminds us of the importance of acknowledging the presence of God with us in the middle of everyday life. Today we talk about the power of knowing that He lives in us.

April 21, 2109
Today we talk about how Jesus' death on the cross demonstrates the high value He places on you.
April 21, 2109
Today we talk about how Jesus' death on the cross demonstrates the high value He places on you.

James - It'$ Not About The Money
April 14, 2019
Money and possessions are a significant part of our daily lives and concerns - so what does the Bible have to say about how to handle money in a way that honors God and demonstrates faith?
April 14, 2019
Money and possessions are a significant part of our daily lives and concerns - so what does the Bible have to say about how to handle money in a way that honors God and demonstrates faith?

Trust (Kaylee Hunter)
April 7, 2019
Part of our calling is based in trusting God. But how do you trust God when things don't work out the way we hoped they would? When prayers go unanswered and desires go unmet? Today Kaylee shares part of her journey towards a deeper trust in a Loving Father.
April 7, 2019
Part of our calling is based in trusting God. But how do you trust God when things don't work out the way we hoped they would? When prayers go unanswered and desires go unmet? Today Kaylee shares part of her journey towards a deeper trust in a Loving Father.

James - Let Faith Arise!
March 31, 2019
James reminds us that faith is far more than a system of beliefs - it's active. Today we talk about how active faith has been essential throughout the life of this church and how God calls us to let faith arise in our individual lives.
March 31, 2019
James reminds us that faith is far more than a system of beliefs - it's active. Today we talk about how active faith has been essential throughout the life of this church and how God calls us to let faith arise in our individual lives.

James - It's Not My Fault!
March 17, 2019
Temptation is a fact of life. We all struggle, and at times we feel enslaved by sinful habits or buried under the weight of guilt. Today we look at what James says about temptation and discover some truths that set us free.
March 17, 2019
Temptation is a fact of life. We all struggle, and at times we feel enslaved by sinful habits or buried under the weight of guilt. Today we look at what James says about temptation and discover some truths that set us free.

James - ??I'm Confused??
March 10, 2019
Our lives are shaped by the decisions we make. We can all look back on key decisions which either moved us in a very positive or a very negative direction. Today we talk about seeking wisdom from God and trusting His guidance in the decisions we make.
March 10, 2019
Our lives are shaped by the decisions we make. We can all look back on key decisions which either moved us in a very positive or a very negative direction. Today we talk about seeking wisdom from God and trusting His guidance in the decisions we make.

James - Good News about Bad Times
March 3, 2019
Problems sometimes seem to surround us - they show up out of nowhere and demand our attention. James tells us when this happens, it's actually an opportunity for joy. How is that possible? Today James teaches us that even in the middle of the worst life can throw at us, a deep and lasting joy is available to us.
March 3, 2019
Problems sometimes seem to surround us - they show up out of nowhere and demand our attention. James tells us when this happens, it's actually an opportunity for joy. How is that possible? Today James teaches us that even in the middle of the worst life can throw at us, a deep and lasting joy is available to us.

James - Who Are You?
February 24, 2019
Today we begin a new series in James by looking at who the author of this practical book was. James was one of Jesus' brothers and at first didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah. His life changed radically when he was convinced, and his example reminds us that what we believe should influence how we live.
February 24, 2019
Today we begin a new series in James by looking at who the author of this practical book was. James was one of Jesus' brothers and at first didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah. His life changed radically when he was convinced, and his example reminds us that what we believe should influence how we live.

Step Up to the Microphone - Danielle
February 17, 2019
Today Danielle shares her story and how Christ brings hope in the middle of depression.
February 17, 2019
Today Danielle shares her story and how Christ brings hope in the middle of depression.

Powered by Prayer - Go Big!
February 10, 2019
Wrapping up this series, today's message suggests a different approach to prayer. Much of the time our prayers focus on reacting to problems rather than advancing God's purposes forward. Today we focus on what praying big looks like.
February 10, 2019
Wrapping up this series, today's message suggests a different approach to prayer. Much of the time our prayers focus on reacting to problems rather than advancing God's purposes forward. Today we focus on what praying big looks like.

Powered by Prayer - Joy
February 3, 2019
Joy and thanksgiving are game-changers when we allow them to characterize our lives. Today we talk about how it happens and why it matters.
February 3, 2019
Joy and thanksgiving are game-changers when we allow them to characterize our lives. Today we talk about how it happens and why it matters.

Powered by Prayer - the power to...
January 27, 2019
If you struggle to know how to pray for others, the prayers of the Bible are a good starting point. Today we continue looking at Paul's prayer for others in Colossians 1.
January 27, 2019
If you struggle to know how to pray for others, the prayers of the Bible are a good starting point. Today we continue looking at Paul's prayer for others in Colossians 1.

Powered by Prayer - Substance
January 20, 2019
Much of the time our prayers for others focus on rescue from some crisis or problem. Today's message is an encouragement to pray proactively for one another. We look at Paul's prayer for a group of believers to learn how to pray more effectively for each other.
January 20, 2019
Much of the time our prayers for others focus on rescue from some crisis or problem. Today's message is an encouragement to pray proactively for one another. We look at Paul's prayer for a group of believers to learn how to pray more effectively for each other.

Powered by Prayer - Invitation
January 13, 2019
Many people view prayer as a discipline - an obligation - something we are required to do in order to be "good Christians". Prayer, however, is an amazing invitation - the God of the universe invites us to come before Him and talk to Him about stuff that concerns us. Today we talk about how astonishing His invitation is and how to make prayer more central in our lives. At the end of the message we look at some of the changes coming this year and encourage everyone to take up the 616 Challenge (see the attachment below).
January 13, 2019
Many people view prayer as a discipline - an obligation - something we are required to do in order to be "good Christians". Prayer, however, is an amazing invitation - the God of the universe invites us to come before Him and talk to Him about stuff that concerns us. Today we talk about how astonishing His invitation is and how to make prayer more central in our lives. At the end of the message we look at some of the changes coming this year and encourage everyone to take up the 616 Challenge (see the attachment below).

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January 6, 2019
Following Jesus means moving - changing - advancing forward from where we are into the unknown. We cannot sit still and follow Him at the same time. Today's message is a challenge for us to follow God as individuals and as a church to move forward from where we are into the next stages of growth.
January 6, 2019
Following Jesus means moving - changing - advancing forward from where we are into the unknown. We cannot sit still and follow Him at the same time. Today's message is a challenge for us to follow God as individuals and as a church to move forward from where we are into the next stages of growth.

Fear (Joe Weisbecker)
December 30, 2018
Fear can be a debilitating factor in many of our lives. Today Joe shares his personal journey and how God sets us free from fear.
December 30, 2018
Fear can be a debilitating factor in many of our lives. Today Joe shares his personal journey and how God sets us free from fear.

Adversary - Prince of Peace
December 9, 2018
As we approach Christmas we often talk about why Jesus came. Today we talk about Jesus as the Prince of Peace and how His peace destroy's the adversary's attacks of anxiety and depression.
December 9, 2018
As we approach Christmas we often talk about why Jesus came. Today we talk about Jesus as the Prince of Peace and how His peace destroy's the adversary's attacks of anxiety and depression.

Adversary - A Way Out
December 2, 2018
Many people feel trapped by some sinful habit or addiction. Today we talk about three truths that will help us experience freedom over temptation.
December 2, 2018
Many people feel trapped by some sinful habit or addiction. Today we talk about three truths that will help us experience freedom over temptation.

Adversary - Devil is a Liar
November 25, 2018
God's plan for you is that you grow deeper and stronger in Him; and that you have a meaningful impact on the lives of others. The adversary opposes all of this through several tactics. Today we talk about the enemy's tactic of deceit.
November 25, 2018
God's plan for you is that you grow deeper and stronger in Him; and that you have a meaningful impact on the lives of others. The adversary opposes all of this through several tactics. Today we talk about the enemy's tactic of deceit.
Five Years & Counting!
November 18, 2018
November 18, 2018

Today's message is a very brief re-cap of why we do church the way we do.

Adversary - What's The Plan?
November 11, 2018
Our enemy has plans and strategies to oppose God's work in our lives - his goal is to make us ineffective. Today we talk about the ways the enemy opposes us and how we can respond.
November 11, 2018
Our enemy has plans and strategies to oppose God's work in our lives - his goal is to make us ineffective. Today we talk about the ways the enemy opposes us and how we can respond.

Adversary - Who Are You?
October 28, 2018
Today we talk about four commonly held, but false beliefs about our enemy, the adversary.
October 28, 2018
Today we talk about four commonly held, but false beliefs about our enemy, the adversary.

Adversary - For Real
October 21, 2018
On September 11th we suddenly became aware that an attack had been planned against us that we knew nothing about. In the same way, we are spiritually under attack, but largely unaware of the existence of our enemy or the strategies he uses against us. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:11 that we need to make sure we are not unaware of this reality. Today we talk about the importance of realizing that we are in the middle of an epic battle with eternal consequences.
October 21, 2018
On September 11th we suddenly became aware that an attack had been planned against us that we knew nothing about. In the same way, we are spiritually under attack, but largely unaware of the existence of our enemy or the strategies he uses against us. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:11 that we need to make sure we are not unaware of this reality. Today we talk about the importance of realizing that we are in the middle of an epic battle with eternal consequences.

The 23rd Psalm
October 14, 2018
Today as we close out the series on David, we turn to his most well-known Psalm. The twenty-third Psalm has brought comfort and hope to millions of people, but it was written during a very dark time in David's life. This Psalm further opens our eyes to how God has committed Himself to be involved in our lives.
October 14, 2018
Today as we close out the series on David, we turn to his most well-known Psalm. The twenty-third Psalm has brought comfort and hope to millions of people, but it was written during a very dark time in David's life. This Psalm further opens our eyes to how God has committed Himself to be involved in our lives.

Worship is All In
October 7, 2018
David's Psalms and his life teach us that while worship is not dependent on our emotions, it is not separate from them. He shows us that worship involves our emotions and worship is active - because God deserves our best.
October 7, 2018
David's Psalms and his life teach us that while worship is not dependent on our emotions, it is not separate from them. He shows us that worship involves our emotions and worship is active - because God deserves our best.

Worship in the Dark Times
September 30, 2018
David is known for many things: he is the giant killer who became a fugitive; the shepherd who became king; and the man of God who also was an adulterer and a murderer. But more than anything else David is known as a worshipper. David's 70-plus songs of praise show us that worship isn't just something we do when life is good or when we feel happy - worship is a way of life regardless of our circumstances. Today we look at Psalms 10 and 13 and learn about worshipping God even in the difficult and confusing times.
September 30, 2018
David is known for many things: he is the giant killer who became a fugitive; the shepherd who became king; and the man of God who also was an adulterer and a murderer. But more than anything else David is known as a worshipper. David's 70-plus songs of praise show us that worship isn't just something we do when life is good or when we feel happy - worship is a way of life regardless of our circumstances. Today we look at Psalms 10 and 13 and learn about worshipping God even in the difficult and confusing times.

What Repentance Looks Like
September 23, 2018
Today we look at David's return back to God after he sinned with Bathsheba. David's story reminds us of this truth: we can't change our past, but we don't have to be enslaved by it.
September 23, 2018
Today we look at David's return back to God after he sinned with Bathsheba. David's story reminds us of this truth: we can't change our past, but we don't have to be enslaved by it.

One Step In The Wrong Direction
September 9, 2018
David's refusal to turn away from temptation led him further into sin and further away from God. Today we look at the devastating consequences of David's choices. His story reminds us that our sin damages us, and usually those around us.
September 9, 2018
David's refusal to turn away from temptation led him further into sin and further away from God. Today we look at the devastating consequences of David's choices. His story reminds us that our sin damages us, and usually those around us.

August 26, 2018
We spent several weeks talking about David's high point - today we begin looking at his lowest point. David's sin with Bathsheba stands as a reminder of the dangers and devastation of sexual sin. But it also reveals a predictable pattern of temptation, and if we understand how it works, we can learn how to stand against our strongest temptations.
August 26, 2018
We spent several weeks talking about David's high point - today we begin looking at his lowest point. David's sin with Bathsheba stands as a reminder of the dangers and devastation of sexual sin. But it also reveals a predictable pattern of temptation, and if we understand how it works, we can learn how to stand against our strongest temptations.

Like A Raging Flood
August 19, 2018
After David became King of Israel he continued to face ongoing battles against the Philistines. One of these battles, recorded in 1 Chronicles 14, reminds us of why David is known as "a man after God's heart". His response is filled with wisdom we can put to work in our everyday lives.
August 19, 2018
After David became King of Israel he continued to face ongoing battles against the Philistines. One of these battles, recorded in 1 Chronicles 14, reminds us of why David is known as "a man after God's heart". His response is filled with wisdom we can put to work in our everyday lives.

August 12, 2018
While we don't like to talk about it, we all have stories of moments in our lives when we have been embarrassed - those times we hope nobody saw what happened because it was absolutely humiliating. David has a story that's pretty embarrassing, but what's surprising is that he later draws attention to that moment in his life, and says "I will boast in the Lord". Today we talk about how God is always working in our lives, even in those moments when we feel absolutely humiliated.
August 12, 2018
While we don't like to talk about it, we all have stories of moments in our lives when we have been embarrassed - those times we hope nobody saw what happened because it was absolutely humiliating. David has a story that's pretty embarrassing, but what's surprising is that he later draws attention to that moment in his life, and says "I will boast in the Lord". Today we talk about how God is always working in our lives, even in those moments when we feel absolutely humiliated.

Difficult People...
August 5, 2018
All of us have difficult people in our lives - some bring minor irritation or frustration into our lives - others cause deep and lasting pain. David's difficult person literally tried killing him several times. Today we look at an encounter between David and King Saul. How does David handle an opportunity to take revenge and what can we learn about finding true victory over our enemies?
August 5, 2018
All of us have difficult people in our lives - some bring minor irritation or frustration into our lives - others cause deep and lasting pain. David's difficult person literally tried killing him several times. Today we look at an encounter between David and King Saul. How does David handle an opportunity to take revenge and what can we learn about finding true victory over our enemies?

After Goliath
July 29, 2018
David has just experienced an amazing victory and his life has improved dramatically. He's a military hero, a highly respected leader, loved by all, and a household name. After a brief moment in the spotlight, he is targeted by a jealous King Saul and flees for his life. Today we talk about how great victories are usually followed by great opposition - how do we handle that when it happens to us?
July 29, 2018
David has just experienced an amazing victory and his life has improved dramatically. He's a military hero, a highly respected leader, loved by all, and a household name. After a brief moment in the spotlight, he is targeted by a jealous King Saul and flees for his life. Today we talk about how great victories are usually followed by great opposition - how do we handle that when it happens to us?

July 15, 2018
Today we talk about the importance of baptism - what is it, how do we do it, and why does it matter?
July 15, 2018
Today we talk about the importance of baptism - what is it, how do we do it, and why does it matter?

July 1, 2018
The day David killed Goliath, another significant event happened that changed the course of his life. David met Jonathan, who became a great friend, saving David's life on more than one occasion. Today we look at this great friendship and what that looks like in our lives.
July 1, 2018
The day David killed Goliath, another significant event happened that changed the course of his life. David met Jonathan, who became a great friend, saving David's life on more than one occasion. Today we look at this great friendship and what that looks like in our lives.

Facing Goliath (part three)
June 24, 2018
Today we finish out the story of David's confrontation with Goliath (spoiler alert: David wins!). As followers of Christ we often talk about God's greatness, power, and presence - but when life challenges us, do we respond out of our faith in Him, or out of our fear in the problems? David was so convinced of God's presence and power he acted on that belief - and that's the point of this story.
June 24, 2018
Today we finish out the story of David's confrontation with Goliath (spoiler alert: David wins!). As followers of Christ we often talk about God's greatness, power, and presence - but when life challenges us, do we respond out of our faith in Him, or out of our fear in the problems? David was so convinced of God's presence and power he acted on that belief - and that's the point of this story.

Facing Goliath (part two)
June 17, 2018
Before facing off against Goliath, David had some smaller obstacles he had to overcome. The story could have ended long before David arrived on the battlefield, but because he was faithful in the smaller challenges he was prepared for the big giant. Today we talk about how dealing with critics and everyday frustrations helps prepare us for the life-changing opportunities God brings to us.
June 17, 2018
Before facing off against Goliath, David had some smaller obstacles he had to overcome. The story could have ended long before David arrived on the battlefield, but because he was faithful in the smaller challenges he was prepared for the big giant. Today we talk about how dealing with critics and everyday frustrations helps prepare us for the life-changing opportunities God brings to us.

Facing Goliath
(June 10, 2018)
Israel came face to face with a massive Philistine soldier who terrified them. While you and I may never come face to face with a hardened warrior who is almost 10 feet tall, we all face problems that are bigger than us, threatening our confidence and our future. Today we talk about two options we have when we come face to face with giants.
(June 10, 2018)
Israel came face to face with a massive Philistine soldier who terrified them. While you and I may never come face to face with a hardened warrior who is almost 10 feet tall, we all face problems that are bigger than us, threatening our confidence and our future. Today we talk about two options we have when we come face to face with giants.

(June 3, 2018)
Today we begin a new series on the life of David. God has a calling, a plan, and a purpose for each of us. Often we lose patience and try to push ahead of God's timing - but David's story reminds us that it's during that time of waiting that God does the deep work in our hearts to prepare us for what's next.
(June 3, 2018)
Today we begin a new series on the life of David. God has a calling, a plan, and a purpose for each of us. Often we lose patience and try to push ahead of God's timing - but David's story reminds us that it's during that time of waiting that God does the deep work in our hearts to prepare us for what's next.

A Time To...
May 27, 2018
Life gets busy and in our frantic rush we forget to pay attention to some very important truths. Communion is a time to slow down and look back at Jesus' amazing sacrifice and why He did what He did; it's a time to look inside our hearts and resolve any sin we have tolerated; and it's a time to look ahead to the day when we will celebrate with Him face to face.
May 27, 2018
Life gets busy and in our frantic rush we forget to pay attention to some very important truths. Communion is a time to slow down and look back at Jesus' amazing sacrifice and why He did what He did; it's a time to look inside our hearts and resolve any sin we have tolerated; and it's a time to look ahead to the day when we will celebrate with Him face to face.

The Church - Ministry
May 6, 2018
When we use our time and talents to partner with God in fulfilling His purposes, that is called ministry. Today we focus on three primary truths about ministry that will help us partner with God effectively.
May 6, 2018
When we use our time and talents to partner with God in fulfilling His purposes, that is called ministry. Today we focus on three primary truths about ministry that will help us partner with God effectively.

The Church - Prayer
April 29, 2018
Today we talk about the role of prayer in the church and in our lives. Acts 4 challenges us to pray consistently and to pray big.
April 29, 2018
Today we talk about the role of prayer in the church and in our lives. Acts 4 challenges us to pray consistently and to pray big.

The Church - Giving
April 22, 2018
God has invited us to partner with Him in His mission - one of the ways we do that is through giving. Giving is ultimately not about the money, but about who we trust and where we find our contentment.
April 22, 2018
God has invited us to partner with Him in His mission - one of the ways we do that is through giving. Giving is ultimately not about the money, but about who we trust and where we find our contentment.

The Church - The Gathering
April 15, 2018
Consistently gathering together with others to worship, pray, and learn from God's Word is an important part of our growth. Today we look at the example of Jesus and His earliest followers, and why coming together consistently is important.
April 15, 2018
Consistently gathering together with others to worship, pray, and learn from God's Word is an important part of our growth. Today we look at the example of Jesus and His earliest followers, and why coming together consistently is important.

The Church - Why It Matters
April 8, 2018
We live in an age where it's popular to say "I'm a committed follower of Jesus, but I don't go to church". Today we talk about why the church is so important and ask the question, if it matters that much to Jesus, shouldn't it matter to us?
April 8, 2018
We live in an age where it's popular to say "I'm a committed follower of Jesus, but I don't go to church". Today we talk about why the church is so important and ask the question, if it matters that much to Jesus, shouldn't it matter to us?

Jump Out Of The Boat!
Resurrection Sunday, 2018
Today we celebrate our Risen Savior and the gift of grace. The message focuses on what grace means and what it looks like in our lives.
Resurrection Sunday, 2018
Today we celebrate our Risen Savior and the gift of grace. The message focuses on what grace means and what it looks like in our lives.

The King Is Here!
March 25, 2018
Worship is all about telling and showing God what He is worth to us. Today we look at Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and what worship means and how it happens.
March 25, 2018
Worship is all about telling and showing God what He is worth to us. Today we look at Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and what worship means and how it happens.

Lost & Found (part eight)
March 18, 2018
Jesus' final instructions to His followers were: Go and tell others about Me. Most of us are intimidated by the idea of sharing our faith with others. Today as we close out this series, we'll talk about where that fear comes from and why we are able to do this far more effectively than we have believed.
March 18, 2018
Jesus' final instructions to His followers were: Go and tell others about Me. Most of us are intimidated by the idea of sharing our faith with others. Today as we close out this series, we'll talk about where that fear comes from and why we are able to do this far more effectively than we have believed.

Lost & Found (part seven)
March 11, 2018
God's plan for the church goes far beyond a weekly meeting where we sing, pray, give, then return home. The norm is that when we gather together we would encounter God's presence, needs would be met, lives would be changed, and we would re-enter our everyday lives with mission and purpose. Today we look at Peter and John's experience in Acts 3.
March 11, 2018
God's plan for the church goes far beyond a weekly meeting where we sing, pray, give, then return home. The norm is that when we gather together we would encounter God's presence, needs would be met, lives would be changed, and we would re-enter our everyday lives with mission and purpose. Today we look at Peter and John's experience in Acts 3.

March 4, 2018
Today is a special service where we will consecrate our new church building. To consecrate something means to set it aside for God's purposes - while this is an important step with our building, something far more important can happen today if we are willing.
March 4, 2018
Today is a special service where we will consecrate our new church building. To consecrate something means to set it aside for God's purposes - while this is an important step with our building, something far more important can happen today if we are willing.

Lost & Found (part six)
February 25, 2018
Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was a famous escape artist who could escape chains, locks, and jail cells within minutes. On one occasion, however, he was unable to pick the lock to escape a jail cell, only to find the door had never been locked. Many Christ-followers are imprisoned by negative thoughts and sinful habits, desperately hoping to find the key to escape - when the truth is, Christ has already unlocked the door. Today we talk about understanding and embracing the freedom Christ offers us.
February 25, 2018
Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was a famous escape artist who could escape chains, locks, and jail cells within minutes. On one occasion, however, he was unable to pick the lock to escape a jail cell, only to find the door had never been locked. Many Christ-followers are imprisoned by negative thoughts and sinful habits, desperately hoping to find the key to escape - when the truth is, Christ has already unlocked the door. Today we talk about understanding and embracing the freedom Christ offers us.

Lost & Found (part five)
February 18, 2018
Jesus said the world would know His followers by their love for one another. When we demonstrate biblical unity, it has a dramatic impact on those around us. Today Joe talks about the value of unity and how it happens.
February 18, 2018
Jesus said the world would know His followers by their love for one another. When we demonstrate biblical unity, it has a dramatic impact on those around us. Today Joe talks about the value of unity and how it happens.

Lost & Found (part four)
February 11, 2018
The purpose of every temptation is to create distance between us and God so we cannot have a meaningful relationship with Him or join Him in His work on this earth. Today we explore the enemy's strategy of damaging our walk with Christ through separation and shame.
February 11, 2018
The purpose of every temptation is to create distance between us and God so we cannot have a meaningful relationship with Him or join Him in His work on this earth. Today we explore the enemy's strategy of damaging our walk with Christ through separation and shame.

Lost & Found (part three)
February 4, 2018
All through the Scriptures we are reminded that God speaks to us. Today we talk about the fact that not only does God speak - our enemy speaks too.
February 4, 2018
All through the Scriptures we are reminded that God speaks to us. Today we talk about the fact that not only does God speak - our enemy speaks too.

Step Up to the Microphone - Sheila
January 28, 2018
Today Sheila shares her story of the pain of infertility and how God brought hope and healing.
January 28, 2018
Today Sheila shares her story of the pain of infertility and how God brought hope and healing.

Lost & Found (part two)
January 21, 2018
Every follower of Christ has been called to a ministry. God intends for your ministry to be a source of joy and fulfillment to you and to have an eternal impact on others. Many of us, however, are plagued by distractions and disappointment when it comes to our calling. Today we'll talk about how the enemy opposes our calling because it threatens his hold on the lives of others.
January 21, 2018
Every follower of Christ has been called to a ministry. God intends for your ministry to be a source of joy and fulfillment to you and to have an eternal impact on others. Many of us, however, are plagued by distractions and disappointment when it comes to our calling. Today we'll talk about how the enemy opposes our calling because it threatens his hold on the lives of others.

Lost & Found (part one)
January 14, 2018
The Scriptures are filled with great promises about how life with Christ would happen. Promises about provision, joy & peace, a life of impact... Yet most of us miss out on much of that. Why do our lives so often fall short of what is promised? Today we start a series focusing on the fact that we are in a battle - some very valuable things have been stolen from us. And it's time to get them back.
January 14, 2018
The Scriptures are filled with great promises about how life with Christ would happen. Promises about provision, joy & peace, a life of impact... Yet most of us miss out on much of that. Why do our lives so often fall short of what is promised? Today we start a series focusing on the fact that we are in a battle - some very valuable things have been stolen from us. And it's time to get them back.

Follow HARD - Fight!
(September 24, 2017)
King David was an effective leader because God empowered him, and because of the men surrounding him. Today we talk about the power of resolve and how this character quality is necessary for us to truly follow Christ.
(September 24, 2017)
King David was an effective leader because God empowered him, and because of the men surrounding him. Today we talk about the power of resolve and how this character quality is necessary for us to truly follow Christ.

Follow HARD - On Fire
(September 10, 2017)
Sometimes standing for truth and doing the right thing costs us. What can you do when you do the right thing and face hardship because of it? Today we look at three men who stood alone for the truth and trusted God with the outcome.
(September 10, 2017)
Sometimes standing for truth and doing the right thing costs us. What can you do when you do the right thing and face hardship because of it? Today we look at three men who stood alone for the truth and trusted God with the outcome.

Follow HARD - Stand 2
(September 3, 2017)
Stephen spoke the truth when it was unpopular and extremely costly. Following Hard after God means sometimes we have to be willing to sacrifice what we want in order to fulfill His purposes.
(September 3, 2017)
Stephen spoke the truth when it was unpopular and extremely costly. Following Hard after God means sometimes we have to be willing to sacrifice what we want in order to fulfill His purposes.

Follow HARD - Stand
(August 27, 2017)
Stephen was willing to follow hard after God even when it cost him everything. Today we look at what we can learn from his life about living a life that honors Christ.
(August 27, 2017)
Stephen was willing to follow hard after God even when it cost him everything. Today we look at what we can learn from his life about living a life that honors Christ.

Follow HARD - Crash!
(August 20, 2017)
So many of us struggle with truly following Christ because we have accepted a version of Christianity which is far too civilized. The civilized Christian is one who believes it's all about me - God doesn't expect me to change anything, sacrifice anything, or leave anything behind - He exists to answer all my prayers and make my life work out the way I expect it to. Today we look at a long-distance conversation between Jesus and His cousin John the Baptist, which challenges all of that.
We also answer the question - what's with the rhino?
(August 20, 2017)
So many of us struggle with truly following Christ because we have accepted a version of Christianity which is far too civilized. The civilized Christian is one who believes it's all about me - God doesn't expect me to change anything, sacrifice anything, or leave anything behind - He exists to answer all my prayers and make my life work out the way I expect it to. Today we look at a long-distance conversation between Jesus and His cousin John the Baptist, which challenges all of that.
We also answer the question - what's with the rhino?

Follow HARD - Rough Waters (part 2)
(August 13, 2017)
Paul is in a storm, surrounded by pagans and prisoners, about to be shipwrecked. The Bible says these men had lost all hope. What do you do when you are surrounded by people who have no hope? Today we look at Paul's response in Acts 27.
(August 13, 2017)
Paul is in a storm, surrounded by pagans and prisoners, about to be shipwrecked. The Bible says these men had lost all hope. What do you do when you are surrounded by people who have no hope? Today we look at Paul's response in Acts 27.

Follow HARD - Rough Waters
(August 6, 2017)
Jesus made it clear that following Him means He alone is first in our lives. One of His followers named Paul, shows us what this looks like. Today we look at what Paul was willing to sacrifice so he could fulfill God's calling on his life. The question we should ask ourselves is: What am I living my life for?
(August 6, 2017)
Jesus made it clear that following Him means He alone is first in our lives. One of His followers named Paul, shows us what this looks like. Today we look at what Paul was willing to sacrifice so he could fulfill God's calling on his life. The question we should ask ourselves is: What am I living my life for?

Follow HARD - The Next Step
(July 30, 2017)
As a church we welcome everyone - our mantra is, "Come as you are". Today's message, however, is a reminder that we shouldn't stay as we are - God calls us to grow. Many of Jesus' interactions with people were designed to force the question, "Why am I where I am spiritually, and how long should I stay here?" We should all ask ourselves that same question. Wherever you are spiritually, take the next step and grow.
(July 30, 2017)
As a church we welcome everyone - our mantra is, "Come as you are". Today's message, however, is a reminder that we shouldn't stay as we are - God calls us to grow. Many of Jesus' interactions with people were designed to force the question, "Why am I where I am spiritually, and how long should I stay here?" We should all ask ourselves that same question. Wherever you are spiritually, take the next step and grow.

(July 23, 2017)
There is far more to life than what we can see and hear - behind the scenes a spiritual battle is raging. From start to finish the Bible makes it clear that you and I were born into a world at war. Today's message is a candid discussion on the challenges we face as a church.
(July 23, 2017)
There is far more to life than what we can see and hear - behind the scenes a spiritual battle is raging. From start to finish the Bible makes it clear that you and I were born into a world at war. Today's message is a candid discussion on the challenges we face as a church.

Designed For Family - What Parents Owe Their Kids
(July 2, 2017)
As parents we bear primary responsibility for raising our kids. Unfortunately, they don't come with a handbook - the Scriptures, however, give us some clear directions on how to invest ourselves in the lives of our children.
(July 2, 2017)
As parents we bear primary responsibility for raising our kids. Unfortunately, they don't come with a handbook - the Scriptures, however, give us some clear directions on how to invest ourselves in the lives of our children.

Step Up To The Microphone - Tonya
(June 25, 2017)
Jesus told His disciples, "You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy" (John 16:20, NLT). Today Tonya shares her story and how Christ is able to bring joy out of our grief.
(June 25, 2017)
Jesus told His disciples, "You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy" (John 16:20, NLT). Today Tonya shares her story and how Christ is able to bring joy out of our grief.

Designed For Family - Ready, Aim, Release!
(June 18, 2017)
King David said that our children are like arrows (Psalm 127). As an expert archer, parents must realize that kids, like arrows, are meant to have a dramatic impact on the world around them; kids, like arrows, must be aimed with skill and precision; and our kids, like arrows, have to be released in order to hit their target.
(June 18, 2017)
King David said that our children are like arrows (Psalm 127). As an expert archer, parents must realize that kids, like arrows, are meant to have a dramatic impact on the world around them; kids, like arrows, must be aimed with skill and precision; and our kids, like arrows, have to be released in order to hit their target.

Designed For Family - Love & Respect
(June 11, 2017)
As husbands and wives we have a clear calling from God - an important role to fulfill in our families. Today we look at Ephesians 5 to find out what being a Godly spouse looks like.
(June 11, 2017)
As husbands and wives we have a clear calling from God - an important role to fulfill in our families. Today we look at Ephesians 5 to find out what being a Godly spouse looks like.

Designed For Family - Foundations
(June 4, 2017)
Today we begin a new series on the family. God did not create us for isolation - we function best when we are connected to one another in a meaningful way. We are designed to be part of a family.
(June 4, 2017)
Today we begin a new series on the family. God did not create us for isolation - we function best when we are connected to one another in a meaningful way. We are designed to be part of a family.

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Step Up To The Microphone - Dwight
(May 28, 2017)
Today Dwight shares his story of how God has been his strength through the challenges he has faced.
(May 28, 2017)
Today Dwight shares his story of how God has been his strength through the challenges he has faced.

(May 21, 2017)
Through Christ we have access to a new life that goes far beyond what men like Moses, David, and Abraham experienced. Today we briefly talk about the transformation available to us in Christ.
(May 21, 2017)
Through Christ we have access to a new life that goes far beyond what men like Moses, David, and Abraham experienced. Today we briefly talk about the transformation available to us in Christ.

Powered By God - Your Role
(May 14, 2017)
Every follower of Christ has been empowered by God for a specific mission. Today we talk about why God's call on your life matters.
(May 14, 2017)
Every follower of Christ has been empowered by God for a specific mission. Today we talk about why God's call on your life matters.

Powered By God - The Gift of Leadership
(May 7, 2017)
Those with the gift of leadership help clarify and communicate where God is leading, and they are able to motivate people to take action to fulfill His purposes. Today we talk about some of the characteristics of a Godly leader.
(May 7, 2017)
Those with the gift of leadership help clarify and communicate where God is leading, and they are able to motivate people to take action to fulfill His purposes. Today we talk about some of the characteristics of a Godly leader.

Powered By God - The Gift of Giving
(April 30, 2017)
God calls all of us to be givers, whether we have the gift of giving or not. Today we look at what generous giving looks like.
(April 30, 2017)
God calls all of us to be givers, whether we have the gift of giving or not. Today we look at what generous giving looks like.

Powered By God - The Gift of Tongues
(April 23, 2017)
Over the years a lot of controversy has surrounded the gift of Tongues. While there have been problems associated with this gift, it's important to understand that the gift itself is not a problem. Today we talk about how valuable this gift is and how it benefits the church and individual believers.
(April 23, 2017)
Over the years a lot of controversy has surrounded the gift of Tongues. While there have been problems associated with this gift, it's important to understand that the gift itself is not a problem. Today we talk about how valuable this gift is and how it benefits the church and individual believers.

Hope In The Middle of Darkness
(April 16, 2017)
Jesus rose from the dead early on a Sunday morning, while it was still dark. Easter Sunday is a reminder that Christ offers us hope in the middle of whatever darkness we are struggling with.
(April 16, 2017)
Jesus rose from the dead early on a Sunday morning, while it was still dark. Easter Sunday is a reminder that Christ offers us hope in the middle of whatever darkness we are struggling with.

Powered By God - Teaching
(April 9, 2017)
The spiritual gift of teaching is important to the health, growth, and spiritual depth of those who follow Christ.
(April 9, 2017)
The spiritual gift of teaching is important to the health, growth, and spiritual depth of those who follow Christ.

Powered By God - Faith
(March 26, 2017)
Those with the gift of faith are often misunderstood by others as being uninformed or unrealistic. The truth is, however, those with this gift typically see things that others cannot see. If you don't have this gift, it's important to listen to those who do. And if you do have this gift, it's important to be patient with those who don't.
(March 26, 2017)
Those with the gift of faith are often misunderstood by others as being uninformed or unrealistic. The truth is, however, those with this gift typically see things that others cannot see. If you don't have this gift, it's important to listen to those who do. And if you do have this gift, it's important to be patient with those who don't.

Powered By God - Encouragement
(March 19, 2017)
We all go through times of discouragement, frustration, and rejection. Those with the gift of encouragement come alongside and build us up, instilling confidence and hope when we need it most.
(March 19, 2017)
We all go through times of discouragement, frustration, and rejection. Those with the gift of encouragement come alongside and build us up, instilling confidence and hope when we need it most.

Powered By God - Helps
(March 12, 2017)
Not all spiritual gifts show up in the spotlight. Some are behind the scenes and unfortunately are overlooked. Today we'll talk about why the behind scenes gifts are so valuable.
(March 12, 2017)
Not all spiritual gifts show up in the spotlight. Some are behind the scenes and unfortunately are overlooked. Today we'll talk about why the behind scenes gifts are so valuable.

Powered By God - Prophecy
(March 5, 2017)
The Bible is a constant reminder to us that God loves to communicate with His people. Sometimes, however, we need to hear more directly from Him - a specific word for a specific need or time. The gift of prophecy enables an individual to speak a direct message from God to the listener. This valuable gift is still important to us today as a means of correcting us, encouraging us, and deepening our walk with Christ.
(March 5, 2017)
The Bible is a constant reminder to us that God loves to communicate with His people. Sometimes, however, we need to hear more directly from Him - a specific word for a specific need or time. The gift of prophecy enables an individual to speak a direct message from God to the listener. This valuable gift is still important to us today as a means of correcting us, encouraging us, and deepening our walk with Christ.

Step Up To The Microphone
(February 26, 2017)
Today Mandy shares her story of how God brought her through a time of deep pain and anger towards Him, into a life-changing relationship with Him.
(February 26, 2017)
Today Mandy shares her story of how God brought her through a time of deep pain and anger towards Him, into a life-changing relationship with Him.

Priests of God (Craig Libhart)
(February 19, 2017)
In the Old Testament God's presence was manifest in the carrying of the Ark of the Covenant. As followers of Christ, we carry His presence and power with us every day.
(February 19, 2017)
In the Old Testament God's presence was manifest in the carrying of the Ark of the Covenant. As followers of Christ, we carry His presence and power with us every day.

Powered By God (Love Is...)
(February 12, 2017)
In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul defines love far differently than we are used to. His description of what genuine love looks like makes it clear that we must depend on the Holy Spirit to empower us to live the life He has called us to live.
(February 12, 2017)
In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul defines love far differently than we are used to. His description of what genuine love looks like makes it clear that we must depend on the Holy Spirit to empower us to live the life He has called us to live.

Powered By God (Absolute Zero...)
(February 5, 2017)
Most of us have heard quotes from 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter)... "Love is patient, love is kind... The greatest of these is love..." Yet very few people have read it as it was written - as Paul's reminder that the purpose of spiritual gifts is to express love to God and to others. Without it, our gifts are useless if not harmful. Today we look at why love is so important in how we use our gifts.
(February 5, 2017)
Most of us have heard quotes from 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter)... "Love is patient, love is kind... The greatest of these is love..." Yet very few people have read it as it was written - as Paul's reminder that the purpose of spiritual gifts is to express love to God and to others. Without it, our gifts are useless if not harmful. Today we look at why love is so important in how we use our gifts.

Powered By God
(January 29, 2017)
Everyone who is a follower of Christ has been empowered to do things far beyond their own ability. God has called you and equipped you to carry out a ministry that will ignite your passion, stretch you beyond your comfort zone, and forever change the lives of those around you. Today we begin a new series on spiritual gifts, based on 1 Corinthians 12-14.
(January 29, 2017)
Everyone who is a follower of Christ has been empowered to do things far beyond their own ability. God has called you and equipped you to carry out a ministry that will ignite your passion, stretch you beyond your comfort zone, and forever change the lives of those around you. Today we begin a new series on spiritual gifts, based on 1 Corinthians 12-14.

Why We Do What We Do
(November 20, 2016)
As a church we are actively involved in our community. We give away free backpacks, diapers, water bottles, ice cream, popcorn, movies... Today, on our three-year anniversary, we talk about why this matters.

Divided - Part Two
(October 23, 2016)
In just over two weeks we will make a decision - not only who we will vote for, but something far more important...
(October 23, 2016)
In just over two weeks we will make a decision - not only who we will vote for, but something far more important...

(October 16, 2016)
As the 2016 election quickly approaches we are increasingly aware of this truth: we live in a deeply divided nation. How does this affect each of us and how should we respond?
(October 16, 2016)
As the 2016 election quickly approaches we are increasingly aware of this truth: we live in a deeply divided nation. How does this affect each of us and how should we respond?

Step Up To The Microphone - Ayanna
(October 9, 2016)
Today Ayanna shares her story of salvation and spiritual growth.
(October 9, 2016)
Today Ayanna shares her story of salvation and spiritual growth.

Step Up To The Microphone - Dave C
(August 28, 2016)
Today Dave C shares his story of an encounter with God that changed his life.
(August 28, 2016)
Today Dave C shares his story of an encounter with God that changed his life.

(August 17, 2014)
One of the reasons Jesus came was to heal broken hearts. All of us experience brokenness to some degree and many times we allow it to distance us from God. Whether it’s a financial crisis, a damaged relationship, the loss of a job, or an unexpected crisis, many times we allow anger, bitterness, and resentment to build towards God for allowing these things to happen. When this happens it’s important to know that God invites us to be honest with Him. We can allow those wounds to drive us further away, or to bring us into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him.
Today’s Takeaway - Intimacy is more important than understanding
(August 17, 2014)
One of the reasons Jesus came was to heal broken hearts. All of us experience brokenness to some degree and many times we allow it to distance us from God. Whether it’s a financial crisis, a damaged relationship, the loss of a job, or an unexpected crisis, many times we allow anger, bitterness, and resentment to build towards God for allowing these things to happen. When this happens it’s important to know that God invites us to be honest with Him. We can allow those wounds to drive us further away, or to bring us into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him.
Today’s Takeaway - Intimacy is more important than understanding

The Healer - Part Ten (presence & power)
(July 3, 2016)
The life God calls us to includes walking in His presence and serving in His power. Time with Him is intended to strengthen and encourage us, but it also is intended to equip us to serve others in ways that will have significant impact.
(July 3, 2016)
The life God calls us to includes walking in His presence and serving in His power. Time with Him is intended to strengthen and encourage us, but it also is intended to equip us to serve others in ways that will have significant impact.

The Healer - Part Nine (offensive prayer)
(June 26, 2016)
The Second chapter of Acts spells out the most amazing outpouring of God's power the world has ever seen, and the church grew twenty-five times bigger in one afternoon. Most of us would love to see God do it again, but how? Maybe the key to the events in Acts 2 is the preparation in Acts 1.
(June 26, 2016)
The Second chapter of Acts spells out the most amazing outpouring of God's power the world has ever seen, and the church grew twenty-five times bigger in one afternoon. Most of us would love to see God do it again, but how? Maybe the key to the events in Acts 2 is the preparation in Acts 1.

The Healer - Part Eight (the forgotten discipline)
(June 19, 2016)
There are some things God does in response to fasting that He does in no other way. Today we look at what fasting is all about and why it's important.
(June 19, 2016)
There are some things God does in response to fasting that He does in no other way. Today we look at what fasting is all about and why it's important.

The Healer - Part Seven (pray BIG)
(June 12, 2016)
The Bible records countless examples of God working in power to change people's lives, and gives several promises that when we pray we will continue to see God work in these ways. Believing these promises should influence how we pray when we are faced with needs.
(June 12, 2016)
The Bible records countless examples of God working in power to change people's lives, and gives several promises that when we pray we will continue to see God work in these ways. Believing these promises should influence how we pray when we are faced with needs.

The Healer - Part Six (worship)
(June 5, 2016)
We all have times when we feel distant from God. "God just seems so far away right now" is a common experience. Today we look at Jesus' answer to this question, and what it has to do with healing.
(June 5, 2016)
We all have times when we feel distant from God. "God just seems so far away right now" is a common experience. Today we look at Jesus' answer to this question, and what it has to do with healing.

The Healer - Part Five (it's paid for)
(May 29, 2016)
When Jesus died on the cross, He not only paid a high price for our sins to be forgiven; He also paid a high price for our sicknesses to be healed. Today we look at Jesus' sacrifice and why it matters.
(May 29, 2016)
When Jesus died on the cross, He not only paid a high price for our sins to be forgiven; He also paid a high price for our sicknesses to be healed. Today we look at Jesus' sacrifice and why it matters.

The Healer - Part Four (kinks in the hose)
(May 22, 2016)
As Spring arrives many of us are busy working in the yard, cleaning up after the ravages of winter. One of the more frustrating experiences is trying to use a hose that is hopelessly twisted and kinked. Just as a kinked hose stops the water from flowing, there are things we allow in our lives that keep the power of God from flowing.
(May 22, 2016)
As Spring arrives many of us are busy working in the yard, cleaning up after the ravages of winter. One of the more frustrating experiences is trying to use a hose that is hopelessly twisted and kinked. Just as a kinked hose stops the water from flowing, there are things we allow in our lives that keep the power of God from flowing.

The Healer - Part Three (power & authority)
(May 15, 2016)
Much of the emphasis on spiritual growth emphasizes "getting more". What if the life of a Christ-follower is not about "getting more", but discovering that we already have everything we need?
(May 15, 2016)
Much of the emphasis on spiritual growth emphasizes "getting more". What if the life of a Christ-follower is not about "getting more", but discovering that we already have everything we need?

The Healer - Part Two (the demonstration of power)
(May 8, 2016)
The Scriptures are filled with examples of Jesus and His disciples healing the sick and doing the miraculous. The clear pattern throughout the entire New Testament was a twofold ministry including the proclamation of God's truth and the demonstration of God's power - the two worked hand in hand. Many ask the question, "Does that stuff still happen? And is it okay to ask for God to do those things?" Today we look at John 14 where Jesus gives a clear answer to this question.
(May 8, 2016)
The Scriptures are filled with examples of Jesus and His disciples healing the sick and doing the miraculous. The clear pattern throughout the entire New Testament was a twofold ministry including the proclamation of God's truth and the demonstration of God's power - the two worked hand in hand. Many ask the question, "Does that stuff still happen? And is it okay to ask for God to do those things?" Today we look at John 14 where Jesus gives a clear answer to this question.

The Healer - Part One (commands & expectations)
(May 1, 2016)
Today we look at several stories from Matthew, all pointing to this truth: Jesus expected that His followers, when confronted with significant problems (such as sicknesses, demonization, impossible obstacles, or life-threatening situations), would respond with boldness and faith, leading to visible, miraculous results. Jesus had given these followers power to do the impossible, and He expected them to use it for His purposes. How can this truth change our lives, and could it be that God is offering us far more than we have been willing to believe Him for?
(May 1, 2016)
Today we look at several stories from Matthew, all pointing to this truth: Jesus expected that His followers, when confronted with significant problems (such as sicknesses, demonization, impossible obstacles, or life-threatening situations), would respond with boldness and faith, leading to visible, miraculous results. Jesus had given these followers power to do the impossible, and He expected them to use it for His purposes. How can this truth change our lives, and could it be that God is offering us far more than we have been willing to believe Him for?

Faith + Politics =
(February 28, 2016)
Today we talk about the question: Should people of faith be actively involved in politics and should their beliefs influence their decisions?
(February 28, 2016)
Today we talk about the question: Should people of faith be actively involved in politics and should their beliefs influence their decisions?

Your Money is Not Your Money (Part Two)
(February 21, 2016)
Today's big idea: It's possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason. While there are many passages in Scripture talking about amounts and percentages in giving, the primary issue is not the amount but the attitude. Where is my heart when it comes to giving? What motivates me to give? This week we talk about the kind of giving that pleases God and accomplishes His purposes.
(February 21, 2016)
Today's big idea: It's possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason. While there are many passages in Scripture talking about amounts and percentages in giving, the primary issue is not the amount but the attitude. Where is my heart when it comes to giving? What motivates me to give? This week we talk about the kind of giving that pleases God and accomplishes His purposes.

Your Money is Not Your Money
(February 14, 2016)
Money is a central part of our lives. We want to protect what we have and get more of what we don't have. Jesus shares a story that helps reorient our perspective on money. Today's Big Idea: Everything I have belongs to God. I don't own it - I'm supposed to manage it in a way that honors Him.
(February 14, 2016)
Money is a central part of our lives. We want to protect what we have and get more of what we don't have. Jesus shares a story that helps reorient our perspective on money. Today's Big Idea: Everything I have belongs to God. I don't own it - I'm supposed to manage it in a way that honors Him.

Wine is a Blessing... (and it can be a curse)
(February 7, 2016)
Today's message addresses the issue of drinking in a way you may not have heard before. In the Old Testament wine is portrayed as a blessing and a promised enjoyment in Heaven. God's people are also encouraged at times to celebrate with wine and strong drink. In the New Testament, Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine. He was accused by the religious leaders of eating and drinking too much, and He encouraged His followers to drink wine in remembrance of His sacrifice for our salvation. Wine is an important element throughout the Bible. Yet the Bible also gives some specific warnings to keep this gift from turning into a curse.
(February 7, 2016)
Today's message addresses the issue of drinking in a way you may not have heard before. In the Old Testament wine is portrayed as a blessing and a promised enjoyment in Heaven. God's people are also encouraged at times to celebrate with wine and strong drink. In the New Testament, Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine. He was accused by the religious leaders of eating and drinking too much, and He encouraged His followers to drink wine in remembrance of His sacrifice for our salvation. Wine is an important element throughout the Bible. Yet the Bible also gives some specific warnings to keep this gift from turning into a curse.

All Lives Matter
(January 31, 2016)
This month marks 43 years since the Roe v. Wade decision in the Supreme Court. Today we discuss facts versus fiction on this important issue and look at what God says about the life of the unborn.
(January 31, 2016)
This month marks 43 years since the Roe v. Wade decision in the Supreme Court. Today we discuss facts versus fiction on this important issue and look at what God says about the life of the unborn.

God Defines Marriage (Part Two)
(January 17, 2016)
There is a growing movement to reinterpret passages of Scripture addressing the issue of same-sex relationships. What does the Bible really say, and how should we respond?
(January 17, 2016)
There is a growing movement to reinterpret passages of Scripture addressing the issue of same-sex relationships. What does the Bible really say, and how should we respond?

God Defines Marriage
(January 10, 2016)
Last summer the Supreme Court redefined how the government and the laws view marriage in America. The issues of same sex relationships and how marriage is defined, are not solely cultural, social, or political issues - they are issues of truth and morality. Today we examine what the Bible has to say on this important topic.
(January 10, 2016)
Last summer the Supreme Court redefined how the government and the laws view marriage in America. The issues of same sex relationships and how marriage is defined, are not solely cultural, social, or political issues - they are issues of truth and morality. Today we examine what the Bible has to say on this important topic.

Who Defines "Truth"?
(January 3, 2016)
Everyone has a system of beliefs whether they have thought it through or not. Those beliefs typically come out in our opinions as well as our day to day actions. Today as we begin our new series, "Stuff Nobody Wants to Say", we look at the question, what is our source of truth?
(January 3, 2016)
Everyone has a system of beliefs whether they have thought it through or not. Those beliefs typically come out in our opinions as well as our day to day actions. Today as we begin our new series, "Stuff Nobody Wants to Say", we look at the question, what is our source of truth?

Search & Rescue
(November 22, 2015)
The Bible has countless stories of people who had an encounter with God which changed their lives forever. These are more than stories - more than history. They are the template for how God wants to work in our town, in our time.
(November 22, 2015)
The Bible has countless stories of people who had an encounter with God which changed their lives forever. These are more than stories - more than history. They are the template for how God wants to work in our town, in our time.

Now & Forever - Communication & Responsibility
(July 19, 2015)
Today we wrap up our "Now & Forever" series, focusing on differences in communication and taking responsibility for our own actions. The message concludes with three important questions to ask ourselves when there is conflict: (1) What role did I play in this conflict and its escalation? (2) During the conflict, if showing love to my spouse had been my primary goal, what would I have done differently? (3) Am I willing to do my part to strengthen this relationship regardless of how my spouse responds?
(July 19, 2015)
Today we wrap up our "Now & Forever" series, focusing on differences in communication and taking responsibility for our own actions. The message concludes with three important questions to ask ourselves when there is conflict: (1) What role did I play in this conflict and its escalation? (2) During the conflict, if showing love to my spouse had been my primary goal, what would I have done differently? (3) Am I willing to do my part to strengthen this relationship regardless of how my spouse responds?

Now & Forever - The Warfare Principle
(July 12, 2015)
Your marriage is under attack - and your spouse is NOT the enemy! One of the main contributors to conflict in any close relationship is assumptions. Much of the time what leads to hurt feelings, miscommunication, and frustration is not what the other person said or did, but what we assume they meant by what they said or did. Today's message focuses on how to handle those thought patterns that so often lead to conflict.
(July 12, 2015)
Your marriage is under attack - and your spouse is NOT the enemy! One of the main contributors to conflict in any close relationship is assumptions. Much of the time what leads to hurt feelings, miscommunication, and frustration is not what the other person said or did, but what we assume they meant by what they said or did. Today's message focuses on how to handle those thought patterns that so often lead to conflict.

Now & Forever - The Discipleship Principle
(July 5, 2015)
God loves you just the way you are - but He loves you too much to let you stay that way! God brings people and circumstances into our lives to help us change the things about ourselves that need to be changed. Men and women are different - and that's a very good thing. In marriage we are called to unconditionally love and commit to someone who doesn't always understand us or see things the way we do. Learning to love each other unconditionally is a process of growth that will ultimately make us more like Christ.
(July 5, 2015)
God loves you just the way you are - but He loves you too much to let you stay that way! God brings people and circumstances into our lives to help us change the things about ourselves that need to be changed. Men and women are different - and that's a very good thing. In marriage we are called to unconditionally love and commit to someone who doesn't always understand us or see things the way we do. Learning to love each other unconditionally is a process of growth that will ultimately make us more like Christ.

Now & Forever - Rekindling
(June 28, 2015)
Neglect and passivity are enemies of our closest relationships. They threaten to destroy the intimacy we once sacrificed everything else to pursue. Today's message focuses on how to recognize the symptoms of neglect, and what to do about it.
(June 28, 2015)
Neglect and passivity are enemies of our closest relationships. They threaten to destroy the intimacy we once sacrificed everything else to pursue. Today's message focuses on how to recognize the symptoms of neglect, and what to do about it.

Room to Grow...
(June 21, 2015)
How we are asking you to pray... (1) What is God saying about this? (2) What is my role in this?
James 1:5-6 -- If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.
(June 21, 2015)
How we are asking you to pray... (1) What is God saying about this? (2) What is my role in this?
James 1:5-6 -- If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.

Step Up To The Microphone - Kenzie
May 17, 2015
Today, Kenzie shares her story of how God has worked in her life!
May 17, 2015
Today, Kenzie shares her story of how God has worked in her life!

Baptism - What's It All About?
(April 12, 2015)
There are many different traditions and beliefs when it comes to baptism. Since it was God's idea, let's see what He has to say about it. This is a simple question/answer message on what baptism means and why it matters.
(April 12, 2015)
There are many different traditions and beliefs when it comes to baptism. Since it was God's idea, let's see what He has to say about it. This is a simple question/answer message on what baptism means and why it matters.

Today Matters
(January 4, 2015)
You will never change your life until you change something you do today. Change, growth, and progress will or will not happen in your life tomorrow because of what you do or do not do today. And you only have one shot at today…
Today's Takeaway: You get to choose how you will spend today... but you only get to spend it once.
(January 4, 2015)
You will never change your life until you change something you do today. Change, growth, and progress will or will not happen in your life tomorrow because of what you do or do not do today. And you only have one shot at today…
Today's Takeaway: You get to choose how you will spend today... but you only get to spend it once.

Step Up to the Microphone - Joe & Deb
(October 26, 2014)
Today, Joe & Deb share how God has demonstrated His faithfulness through the challenges they have experienced.
(October 26, 2014)
Today, Joe & Deb share how God has demonstrated His faithfulness through the challenges they have experienced.

When God Says "No" (Community Worship Service)
(September 21, 2014)
Have you ever asked the question, "Why did God say 'No' to my prayer?" If you have, you're not alone. We've all had those times when we prayed about a need and it didn't work out the way we hoped. How should we respond when God says 'No'?
(September 21, 2014)
Have you ever asked the question, "Why did God say 'No' to my prayer?" If you have, you're not alone. We've all had those times when we prayed about a need and it didn't work out the way we hoped. How should we respond when God says 'No'?

Step Up To The Microphone - Kaylee Hunter
(August 10, 2014)
We all have times when we wonder, "Why did God allow this to happen?" or, "Why hasn't God answered my prayer?". Kaylee's life story reminds us that even when God seems silent and far away, He is still at work in our lives.
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
(August 10, 2014)
We all have times when we wonder, "Why did God allow this to happen?" or, "Why hasn't God answered my prayer?". Kaylee's life story reminds us that even when God seems silent and far away, He is still at work in our lives.
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."