- Expect... to find a warm welcome - we are thankful you have chosen to gather with us and we want you to feel at home here.
- Expect... to be accepted and loved - as our slogan says, "we are a gathering of imperfect people..." Everyone is welcome, regardless of your past, your background, weaknesses, or faults.
- Expect... to relax and be yourself - we want you to feel comfortable. You don't have to dress up to fit in, and you don't have to have any knowledge of the Bible to understand what we're talking about. We welcome questions, struggles, and doubts.
- Expect... to hear upbeat and celebratory music - we believe music is powerful and should help us become more aware of God's presence, power, and love.
- Expect... to hear interesting and relevant messages - the Bible is God's word to us for today. Whatever you might be struggling with, or whatever questions you are asking, God has something to say about it. We believe the Bible should be taught in a way that is interesting and practical.
- Expect... to be challenged - one of our favorite sayings is, "God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way!" One of God's purposes for us is growth and transformation. Gathering with others to worship and hear from Him provides an opportunity for that to take place.
- Expect... to build meaningful friendships that will last a lifetime - the "church" is people, not a place. Much of God's work in our lives happens in the context of relationships.
- Expect... to encounter God in a life-changing way - you are welcome to bring your struggles, doubts, questions, hurts, and baggage with you. God can handle it and He offers healing, hope, and direction for those who seek Him.
Pastor: Scott GibbsHi my name is Robin Scott Gibbs; You may call me Scott. I am excited at the new Ministry opportunity that God has given my wife (Fran Gibbs) and I at The Encounter Church. We have been blessed with two godly sons, who are married to two godly women. We have 9 grandchildren. We consider this our greatest accomplishment to pass our legacy of faith to our children and grandchildren.
We look forward to Pastoring at The Encounter to continue building a legacy of faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible. I was ordained through Lancaster County Bible Church or better known as L.C.B.C. Fran graduated from Pinebrook Jr. College with a Liberal Arts degree in Bible and Medical Secretary. We love the Body of Christ (the Church). We believe in the power God working in the Church (Body of Christ). We desire to find liked minded individuals sold out for the church of Christ. Brothers and sisters in Christ, who desire to be equipped, and grow spiritually, and to fulfill the great commission of Jesus to go into all the world and make disciples. So, if you are looking for solid biblical preaching, want to learn more about God/Jesus, and desire to grow or know God/Jesus. A pastor and wife, who strive to love and care for God’s children and want to reach out to our communities, come visit us at The Encounter. We can build a legacy of faith in Jesus together. |
Secretary: Jackie HeiseyHello, my name is Jackie! I live in Bainbridge with my husband Steve and four children; Noah, Brooklynn, Ryder & Lainey. I became a member of The Encounter Church in 2018 as I was going through a difficult time. This church truly changed my outlook on life. Since then I have accepted God into my heart, was able to watch Steve accept God and together we both got baptized. My children are also growing in their faith! After sometime I was blessed with the opportunity to serve as the church secretary. I look forward to what's to come and seeing God work in other's as he worked in my life. When I am not at the church I enjoy spending time with my husband & kids!
Contact Jackie: [email protected]