Important Note For All Kids Ministry Workers...
In order to protect our children as well as the reputation of all who work with children at The Encounter Church, we will need to have background checks on file as well as an important Mandated Reporter Training. This applies to all who work with children under the age of 18.
Please follow the links below for (1) FBI background check; (2) Child Abuse History Clearance; and (3) Mandated Reporter Training.
If you have difficulty accessing any of these or if you have questions please contact Pastor Dave at [email protected]
Thank you for your ministry and thank you for your help in completing these important steps.
1) FBI Background Check
Click on the link below and follow the steps to complete your FBI background check.
When it asks for a Service Code, enter: 1KG738
2) Child Abuse History Clearance
Click on the link below and follow the steps to complete your Child Abuse History Clearance.
3) Mandated Reporter Training
Click on the link below and follow the steps to complete your Mandated Reporter Training. Be sure to print out the certificate at the end and bring it to the church.
In order to protect our children as well as the reputation of all who work with children at The Encounter Church, we will need to have background checks on file as well as an important Mandated Reporter Training. This applies to all who work with children under the age of 18.
Please follow the links below for (1) FBI background check; (2) Child Abuse History Clearance; and (3) Mandated Reporter Training.
- Upon completion please bring copies of your clearances (items 1 & 2) and the certificate of completion (item 3) to the church office so we can have these on file.
- Be sure to register as a volunteer - if there is a cost associated please please bring receipts when you bring your clearances and the church will reimburse you for the cost.
If you have difficulty accessing any of these or if you have questions please contact Pastor Dave at [email protected]
Thank you for your ministry and thank you for your help in completing these important steps.
1) FBI Background Check
Click on the link below and follow the steps to complete your FBI background check.
When it asks for a Service Code, enter: 1KG738
2) Child Abuse History Clearance
Click on the link below and follow the steps to complete your Child Abuse History Clearance.
3) Mandated Reporter Training
Click on the link below and follow the steps to complete your Mandated Reporter Training. Be sure to print out the certificate at the end and bring it to the church.